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Success Stories

Whilst everyone's specific goals, fitness level, commitment and motivation is different, these testimonials demonstrate my ability to tailor your plan to fit your needs... 

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“Back in January 2017, I thought I wanted to join a gym to get fitter for a charity bike ride in July. My background has, generally, been one of fitness. I was a keen footballer, playing 2-4 times weekly until I broke my leg in 2003, an injury that left me with no cartilage in my right knee and a medical direction not to run or play any contact sport. That injury also saw me spiral into an cycle of inactivity, overeating and general ageing. I put on weight and started to suffer with chronic heartburn and acid reflux that occasionally result into vomiting stomach acid. Medical advice was to control this with medication; a medication I would have had to take for life. That spurred me to lose weight. I achieved that through WeightWatchers but my general fitness, physical and mental, was still poor and it wasn’t until I discovered cycling that I found something that would allow me to exercise, that I would enjoy yet not do further damage to my knee.

Greg has helped me realise that fitness isn’t about short term goals – although he was instrumental in getting me ready for that bike ride in July – he has illustrated that it is a lifetime lifestyle choice. And that is it multifaceted. He has designed a fitness regime around my limitations that targets my weaknesses. His holistic approach isn’t aiming at simply ‘bulking-up’, cosmetic or narrowly targeted. Instead, he demonstrates how each part of the body connects and relates to another – if, as I do, I need to strengthen (and support) my damaged right knee, so I must strengthen my core, my upper body, my posture… despite initial reservations, I now understand and recognise the benefits of this approach. It isn’t, and for me never was, about short-term, quick, wins. Results aren’t necessarily immediately obvious (at least they weren’t to me) but because Greg builds first from a solid foundation, with precision in every move, in every exercise, they are longer lasting. Not only all of this but Greg brings other aspects of life to my training too; food, sleep, breathing etc. It is all important and all about balance and once balance is achieved the results naturally follow. I’ve still a little way to go; it isn’t always a smooth ride – there are ups and downs – but the route ahead is now clear to me.

I feel stronger. I am more mindful of my body, of how I feel, of what I am eating and need. I feel happier in my body and mind, and naturally fitter, than I have in 15 years. Greg has provided me with the tools that will, used properly, serve me well for the rest of my life, and help me to live a fuller, longer life for the benefit of me, my wife and children. For that, I am enormously grateful.”


“During the heat wave of summer last year I just got to the point where 'something had to be done'. I was wearing the largest size trousers that M&S make for work, and they were getting tight. I had all sorts of aches and pains and I just felt stiff & immobile. Even small amounts of exercise made me puffed & sweaty, which is really embarrassing as a professional woman. It was starting to get difficult to reach to put my socks on. So I decided to join Weight Watchers, but knew, from all the previous times I've dieted over the years, that dieting feels like giving up something that is a major pleasure in my life, and that I was much more likely to stick to it if I also added a positive thing in my life, which was joining a gym. Now, I'd been a gym goer a few years ago and done various classes, but this time I thought that I was so overweight & unfit that a class might actually kill me, so I'd need to work with a trainer. I work in the City so there are many gym branches within easy reach of my office & I went & asked for a tour of a couple of them. On each tour I asked the same question, "Are there other middle-aged, fat, extremely unfit people who go here, or will I stand out?" Only 1 gym could even bring themselves to try & answer this question, which was Fitness First in Devonshire Square & I have since discovered that they grossly undersold themselves. I love the atmosphere & demographics of the membership of this gym. It is extremely inclusive & diverse, with some people, from all ages groups, who are very fit, some people who are in the middle, and plenty like me.

Greg was recommended to me for my introductory sessions, and then I decided to sign up to train with him once a week, for a year. I have to admit that I winced a little at the cost of this, but after 6 months I consider every penny well spent and intend to sign up for another year when this one is complete.

Greg is very thorough & scientific in his approach & has put together workouts which I enjoy & which I can really feel the benefit of. When I started with Greg my knees cracked with almost every step & hurt most days, which I assumed was the beginnings of arthritis & would only get worse as time went on. Now they crack only occasionally & don't hurt me at all. I used to have frequent 'sugar crashes' where I'd just feel weak & wobbly until I ate something sugary. Now I enjoy my food very much, but don't feel the urge to snack between meals & I feel much better. Greg has a habit of saying, 'OK, jump up' after an exercise on the floor, and at the beginning I had to point out that, in my case, it was more like 'clamber slowly & painfully to your feet'. Now I can actually jump up! I've worked most of my career in IT so have the typical hunched, geek posture, with neck problems. The stretches & mobilisation exercises that Greg has given me feel great & people at work have noticed my improved posture. I'm enjoying getting stronger, being more flexible and just more able to do stuff. I recently worked with my team to install a new PC lab, which involved lots of lifting, bending, crawling under desks etc & I was thrilled that I was able to keep up with my colleagues, who are all men & younger than me.

A positive aspect of training that I wasn't expecting is just how good it makes me feel. I knew, theoretically, that exercise generates endorphins, but have been really pleasantly surprised at the general sense of well-being that it gives me. Because of this I seem to have become the unofficial weight loss & fitness consultant in my office now. My colleagues tell me its visible, not just how much weight I've lost (4 1/2 stone!) but how much better I feel, so several of them are going to start exercising or improving their diet too.

Throughout all of the time we have worked together Greg has been unfailingly professional, encouraging, supportive & friendly. I'm pretty uncoordinated & was technically obese when I began and I particularly appreciate that he never makes me feel embarrassed; he just gives me versions of exercises to do that give me something to hold onto, so that I don't wobble or fall over. He encourages me to work hard, but always safely. He never shouts, never pushes me to the point where I'm crippled the next day and makes sure that I don't get injured or bruised. I find the online system that Greg uses to assign workouts really helpful, especially the little video clips that remind me how an exercise is supposed to be done. I don't have to try & remember what I'm supposed to be doing each day, I just load it up on my phone and follow the plan. He doesn't have a 'cookie cutter' approach, but has really helped me work towards my goals.

I trust Greg completely & would heartily recommend him as a trainer, especially to anyone who has had a bad experience with a personal trainer in the past.”

Jason Mann

“I was excited about working with Greg because he looks at the wholepackage. He gave me a very clear plan and I lost 12lbs in the first 5 weeks.  As important as that statistic is, I felt like I had a new body -- more flexible and stronger. I had been disappointed in the past when sessions appeared to be random, the trainer switched off after 45minutes, the trainer pushed me too hard and left me unable to train the next day or did not even ask what I had done in the week. Greg is the total opposite. I needed to start from scratch and it has been fun doing new things. The movement and balance work makes me feel like a new person. It has been fun doing new things. Take lots of small steps and jump back on quickly when you fall off.

Greg has great enthusiasm and energy, the sessions are fun and the time flies by.”

Stephanie Mason

''I would really recommend working with Greg as I have seen great results. In April I was 10stone 8 lbs and by the start of June I had lost 18 pounds dropping to 9 stone 4lbs. I have since maintained this by sticking to Greg's exercise regime plus cardio. It's really easy and completely shapes your body into a new fitter toned form. I am so pleased with the results, its the best money I have spent since moving to London. Using a food diary, suggested by Greg, was an excellent way of helping to carve out a healthier food plan, I have now changed what I eat and have become so much healthier- this is by choice and preference, my taste buds have completely changed for the better. I achieved my objective of losing at least a stone before my holiday in June, I have maintained the weight loss and I am healthier in terms of fat percentage and BMI. A really worthwhile experience!’'